Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Update on Training

Training is not very fun. It's tough and pulls me in all different directions and a good chunk of the time I just want to give up.

But then I get home after a good run, or even a not so good run, and I want to do it again.

Today was a not so good run, in which I felt beaten down by the multiple runners who continued to pass me. I also hurt my knee while stretching just before running, and somewhere along the run my hip sort of gave out.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm an old lady in a twenty year old body.

Running really does give me a sense of achievement though. After a run, no matter how short, I'm happy that I got out the door. Too many of my days have been spent laying around, and I really do want to change that. This blog was meant to catalogue my yoga practice as well as my cooking practice. I want to be better at both, and yet I still haven't done anything about it. Sure, I occasionally do yoga, but it's not a dedicated practice like it used to be.

What I have done, though, is still something good. I've begun drawing again. Recently, I spent the entire day at the kitchen table drawing and painting (while watching Gilmore Girls). I've also been taking whatever days I can at work. My runs are going farther (even though I'm still walking for some chunk of it), my husband says that my legs look 'less like cottage cheese' (he's saying that in the nicest way possible, I promise), and I am feeling better. I'm still sleeping way too much but that could just be a side effect of my pills... or I'm not drinking enough water.

So I'm going to start a new challenge just for me. I'm making a commitment to a better Tressie.

  • 8 glasses of water a day (or 64 oz)
  • Yoga 3x a week
  • Draw something new at least once a week
  • Run at least 3x a week
  • Read a book every 2 weeks
  • Write on blog once a week
That's what I'm thinking for now. :) Let's see if I can do it!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Half Marathon: The 'Official' Training Has Begun

I've been running for five weeks now with one of my friends, but this week marks our first week of actual training. It's been a bit crazy because my friend started a new job this week, so we've had to tweak the schedule a bit, but tonight my husband and I went running. Personally, I didn't do too well. I was having a difficult time breathing and I felt horrendously sick, but I ran my fastest documented mile (12.46) with a majority of that actually walking. I have fifteen weeks and two days until the race (Nike Women's Half in San Francisco). It'll be my first half marathon, and I'm really nervous that I won't be ready, so I've been contemplating doing another half marathon a month prior to dip my feet in, and that half marathon isn't as strict about time as the Nike Women's.

The goal of this blog was to document my yoga and cooking, but I have so far done neither. I have let my yoga slip a lot since coming out of the hospital, and I don't cook anymore. Being in the hospital kind of screwed all my plans, and I'm still working on coming out of that funk. I still have a hard time even leaving the house, but I'm working towards bigger goals now.

Anyway, I'm hoping to get out of my yoga funk, especially now that I'm running every other day. Yoga needs to become an important thing in my life again if I want to become healthy and whole.